Category Mom

A Friendly check-in

This may have been something building up since I switched to a remote job in 2020. Or the fact that I’m always with another human that can’t use words yet but I miss human interactions. I was never one who…

Imposter Syndrome

Note: This is not a post for the cure to Imposter Syndrome. Just getting that out right now. I’ve noticed something over my years working as a dev When work starts to slow down, imposter syndrome kicks in hard. I…

Remembering Colic

Whenever I see a post or article about Colic, I get the shivers. We went through both colic and reflux for nearly three quarters of a year. Olivia would scream for awhile and the only thing that would calm her…

Today’s the day…

This is kind of going to be a TMI post but I felt the need to express it. Today is the day I stopped pumping for Olivia. Why is this a big deal? Olivia never really received a full bottle…