Remembering Colic

Whenever I see a post or article about Colic, I get the shivers. We went through both colic and reflux for nearly three quarters of a year. Olivia would scream for awhile and the only thing that would calm her down was white noise and the fan. I slept many nights with her in the pillow with fan and Spotify going. We had to switch to the only soy free formula that is available in the US.

Switching to that formula did help. We knew it wasn’t a milk tolerance issue. Even then, demon baby (as I would call her) would come out around 7pm every night. Blue face screaming. It was very taxing and exhausting because it was always when Shea was at work. A lot of people suggested that it was the witching hour. My sister had that issue too but honestly, I chalk it up to colic. Witching hour is supposed to dwindle away at 12 weeks. Demon baby was still happening past 25 weeks.

I’ll never forget one night, I was making dinner and demon baby made one of her last appearances. I threw on the front carrier and put her in it. Told her that she was going to have to be happy just in there as I made dinner. She instantly calmed down and was fine.

I’ll fully admit, I don’t miss demon baby era. Granted, there are days Olivia still doesn’t like to be with me in the kitchen and in her bumbo seat but it’s never been super demon baby level.

During colic, I remember reading survival guides from other colic parents. They pretty much said that it will past but it will suck until then. Sadly, we came to that conclusion. There are ways to help the situation and diets, but it’s just something you ride out.

One of my coworkers said that colic is waaaaay harder than teething. In our experience, they were right. Olivia doesn’t get crazy fevers or anything with teething though so we lucked out. Just random nights she gets super mad and clingy during the day. I can live with that.

I will say this last bit on colic though: it’s a marriage tester. Holy cow. It was not easy but we’ve made it through.

Good luck to anyone with a colic baby. Use Spotify’s white noise options if it helps. May the force be with you and remember it does pass eventually.