Let’s Encrypt DNS-01 Failure Challenge

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything dev related. Well here I am. It was kind of a weird issue. Note: servers is the weakest part of my knowledge base. Luckily, this happened on staging and not production.

We have our servers management via Forge and all servers on Linode. SSLs are also installed via Forge. Well our certs expired and wouldn’t renew. When trying to get the certs to renew, they kept throwing this error:

Challenge failed for domain <domain>.site
dns-01 challenge for <domain>.site

The little bugger.

Took awhile to figure out exactly what was needed and it turns out the domain needed a few TXT records to prove that you own the domain. All it needed was the record: _acme-challenge.<domain>.site. Give it some to propagate and eventually the SSL will renew.

There’s the first tip of 2022 and in a long while. ^^;