Time to water the garden

To avoid another social media post that will make my sister roll her eyes, I decided to post about it instead. Also, sorry for the dark pic. It was really late in the evening.

“Time to water the garden, Kai”. This prompts a head tilt and Kai takes off into the garden. I accidentally started this habit during the August heat wave.

Kai hates the water. Absolutely avoids it. Except when we water the garden. I turn the hose to the JET setting and then I spray it around her. She chases it like crazy and does her excited bark/growl. It’s fun and exhausting for her and it makes such a typical chore more fun.

I really haven’t had to do a nightly watering of the garden for weeks but with the temps starting to go down, I’m going to treasure this time we have together in the garden. I’ll probably be ripping it up in the next couple weeks. Fall is arriving.