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Marathon Week #3 & Week Re-cap

Well...this week has felt like a doozy. It's Sunday and I'm sitting on the couch while dinner cooks. First of all! Marathon training. We are into week 3 and this week's millage was 12 miles. It's always funny to me, but 12 miles doesn't seem that long to me when you are thinking about the 26.2 we will have to do in October. When I'm training for a half though, 12 feels long. It's a whole mental deal. Anywho, this week, training was done separate. Why? Tink was out of town for a wedding. Her and her husband were leaving early Friday morning. Sooo we had to figure out another way. She tried to get me to do the training Thursday, but Thursdays my leg strength day with my trainer. Plus I work until 5. Noooo way jose. Not gonna happen. I'm exhausted when I get off of work. So Tink had to find another way.