Tag laravel


So I’ve been trying to switch servers at work and let’s just say it’s been a freakin’ nightmare. Our servers are dated and to start off fresh, I suggested we setup new ones and move the app over. Simple right?…

Laravel mix image processing

Before Laravel 5(ish), people used gulp to minimize/refresh images. It just came with it and was easy to implement. Now with Laravel Mix, you have to install a few npm packages in order to have the image compression that gulp…

Orderby if null

I'm posting about this today because I feel like this is a very not well known little mySql knowledge and it really saved me. I've got an employee table that has a first name, last name AND nickname.

Laravel’s Eloquent and firstOrNew

Hey everyone! This is yet another web dev post and this is gonna be quick and dirty.. It’s regarding Laravel and the Eloquent’s firstOrNew. firstOrNew is like firstOrCreate, but instead of creating an instance in the database, it just retrieves…